Custom Resolution in Remote Desktop

I have a 1920x1080 desktop at work but when I use remote desktop to connect to home, it automatically resizes to my compact 1024*768 desktop. Most programs don’t seem to have a problem but I was working on Weka KnowledgeFlow and one of my flows, originally designed on the higher resolution, never showed a horizontal scroll. It might just be a java thing. In short, I had to look for a method to remote using a higher resolution than that of the local machine....

January 5, 2010

What do you tweet about? : A shell script for getting most frequent words for twitter

There are a lot of web apps around which report your twitter stats. But at times, it’s better to do things yourself. I haven’t done any fun coding for ages now so last night, I finally got around to making a small program to gather twitter word statistics. The fun part was to do everything using unix tools. Here’s a small script file which displays the 10 most used words in the tweets for any twitter id....

December 18, 2009

JabRef and Google Scholar

I can’t seem to find any way to import the bib entries provided by google scholar to JabRef directly. You can enable the Import into BibTex link from the preferences but it streams the bib file as text/plain which opens up in the browser. You can save it and import it but that wastes a lot of clicks. The easiest option is to copy-paste all the text into a new JabRef entry (Ctrl+N)....

November 14, 2009

Are you interested in using computers in the classrooms?

A friend of mine is carrying out research in classroom based e-assessment in developing countries such as Pakistan. The aim of the research is to assist primary school teachers with computer software that: · Is aligned with the particular subject curriculum they follow in their schools. · Provides pupils with challenges and interactive short quizzes and tests to take after completing a topic taught by the teacher in the classroom....

July 31, 2009

How to get formants of phones from sound files

This tutorial is mostly for people (esp. my AI students) who want to find formants of any sounds sample. So here are the things/software you will need. a good mic (recommended but not necessary) a quite room any software which can cut and save wav files. I use Praat. the console version of Praat, called PraatCon. This will be used to extract the formants from wav files. about 30 mins. Once you have all these things, here is what you do for recording the phone sounds...

July 22, 2009


I am playing around with a customized twitter client, temporarily named ‘outwit’. I’ll try to add up the features as I need them but its strictly an experiment for the time being. Let’s see if things go smoothly from here.

June 26, 2009