Where Iqbal lived in Cambridge

During his undergrad (if you can call it that), Iqbal read at Trinity College, Cambridge. By current definition of the phrase, he was a ‘mature student’. He stayed at 17 Portugal Place.At that time, the house might have been college-owned, but I can’t confirm that. It’s a smallish house with a narrow street on one side and a wider one on the other. The wider street opens up in Jesus Green, a large ground....

July 6, 2010

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche…

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. Escribir, por ejemplo: “La noche está estrellada, y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos”. Write, for example: “The night is shattered, and the blue stars shiver in the distance.” El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta. The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. ~ Pablo Neruda (P.S. Quoting Neruda doesn’t mean you are in love… Being in love doesn’t mean you should quote Neruda)...

June 27, 2010

old fog

کھڑکی سے جھانکتی ہے کسے بار بار دُھند

January 19, 2010


November 24, 2009

آلووں کو پکنے دو

آلووں کو پکنے دو آلووں کو چولہے کی دھیمی دھیمی آنچوں کا کچھ مزہ تو چکھنے دو آلووں کو پکنے دو تیز تپتے تیل سے پانی کو پرے رکھنا پاس نہ ذرا کرنا ورنہ چلملاتی سی گرم سی کئ چھینٹیں تم پر اُڑ کر آئیں گی خوب پھر جلائیں گی اِس لیے میں ٹوکے ہوں اِس جلن سے روکے ہوں مجھ کو روک سکنے دو آلووں کو پکنے دو...

October 12, 2009

in so m[a]nia

sleep please the half empty cherry coke can will still be there when you wake up صبح کام نہیں کرنا کیا؟

October 6, 2009

The spider who liked blues

Once there was a spider, who lived in my guitar he listened to the blues, la musique de popular but every time I rocked, he looked a bit crocked and muttered, “at least play something in 12 bar” 

August 12, 2009

Future Imperfect

Reflecting on reflections wrong Amidst acute allusions, strong he tries to be, to fit, belong But cravings cold, like senseless space just make him face his weary face They see him think,they see him place his head down in the sand, and say “It is not here, its far away- today is just another day.” 02:11-6.4.2009.

April 5, 2009

A Key to Lines

They flow on with the morning rush don’t hear, don’t see, don’t feel this human flood of vain concerns uncouth, unclean , unreal He travels on the metal road and weaves on dreams unique of ticklish clouds and purple pines of papers that can speak She comes and sits in front of him and opens up her book but words are smudges on a sheet fordone, forborne, forsook I watch them smile, I watch them talk...

February 26, 2009