Are you interested in using computers in the classrooms?

A friend of mine is carrying out research in classroom based e-assessment in developing countries such as Pakistan. The aim of the research is to assist primary school teachers with computer software that: · Is aligned with the particular subject curriculum they follow in their schools. · Provides pupils with challenges and interactive short quizzes and tests to take after completing a topic taught by the teacher in the classroom....

July 31, 2009

River Crossing and State Space Search

I made a small 10 min demo to simulate the classic river crossing puzzle for teaching state space search in my AI class. I did exercise my right to be creative by changing the characters a bit. Jerry, Tom and Spike have to cross a river, going from the right side to left, in a boat. While you are in the boat, they behave. But as soon as you leave Tom with Jerry or Tom with Spike on one side WITHOUT the boat, they start fighting....

June 26, 2009

Solving the 8 Queens Problem

I will be teaching a course in Artificial Intelligence this summer. For some parts of the course, I plan to show implemented demos along with the course material. Looking from the students’ point of view, such tools not only decrease the learning time while in the class room, but also give enough material to play around at home in case you want to repeat what was taught. (I can empathise because I was once, and will be again (hopefully soon), a student)....

June 19, 2009

WP Finals

June 5, 2009

OpenWare Education: BLOSSOMS project at MIT

There was a talk today by Dr. Richard Larson at FAST-NU on an initiative by LINC called BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies). It focuses on developing open ware modules for high school students which can be recorded and shared in classrooms. The creative twist is to create a ‘blend’ between the video lectures and an in class teacher. Participants are to be selected from US (MIT), Jordan and Pakistan....

January 21, 2009