Nastaleeq Urdu Typesetting: When will they get it right?

Last night, I read about the new Nasteeq font available in Windows 8 and I just had to check it out. After leaving my machine up all night to install the consumer preview, I finally had time to examine the new “Urdu Typeset” out a while ago. Although Microsoft explicitly states it to be a ‘document’ font, it never hurts to check out how it behaves in a web UI setting....

April 14, 2012

دو ہِنسوں کا جوڑا

March 20, 2012

When the sun comes out

March 15, 2012

Purchasing Power Parity

A new take on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP – no pun intended)

March 14, 2012


March 4, 2012


At times, it’s good to spend on something you used to love.

February 25, 2012

Offered. pink drinking glass. Broken.

Here’s a freecycle ad that I found to be quite poetic. All newlines were inserted later and were not part of the original post. The link at the end leads to the original posts but will only work if you are a member. Offered. pink drinking glass. Broken. A bit weird maybe It’s a drinking glass pink coloured about a half pint. It has broken and a slice has cracked off of it....

January 23, 2012

Fading colours of autumn

November 14, 2011

“The web is sad”, said Webgrep

A paper on “Positivity of the English Language” caught the attention of the main stream media recently. It claimed that English words exhibit a “clear positive bias”. The authors (which happen to be Mathematicians) based this conclusion on their analysis of data from tweets, books, news articles and song lyrics in English. The results showed that people used more positive words than negative ones. In spite of the fact that frequency based analysis is not exactly new in Computational Linguistics and the spread of this article in the media might be a good example for understanding why some news items receive more attention than others, the experiment is interesting nevertheless and finding out if other languages behave the same might be more intriguing....

September 15, 2011

HEC! plagiarism = sexual harassment?

Today, I got a copy of the policy guidelines against sexual harassment in institutions of higher learning in my inbox which has been published by the Govt. of Pakistan Higher Education Commission. It contains a “listing of sexual harassment” along with “actual reported cases”. The last item in the list is Forcing students to publish their research work in Supervisors name. While the most obvious implication of this statement is that plagiarism (by the supervisor) is sexual harassment, I think there is a hidden message there as well....

August 23, 2011