So the State Bank of Pakistan has reduced the discount rate to 10.5%. My better half was commenting on how the media likes to air their opinions and interpretations about news related to economics, science or any such technical field while being rather clueless about it. Close to public holidays such as Eid and New year, unrelated events are declared to be gifts to the nation. One such example in Urdu is the phrase قوم کو عید کا تحفہ. This led to the idea of appending this phrase to news headlines to see what happens.
So I present to you below my “eid gift to the nation”. It’s a quick hack which retrieves the latest headlines from a news feed and appends the phrase above at the end. I was rather surprised at how simply we can generate sarcasm. From a linguistic point of view, that’s rather neat considering humour generation isn’t really a forte well explored yet.